Traditional medicine against parasites is time -tested, yet it has side effects and contraindications. The use of special foods will cleanse the body.
Folk remedies are often used to get rid of parasites of the human body. However, this treatment has not been clinically tested and can cause side effects. However, even folk remedies will help get rid of parasites from the body that poison human life.
Folk remedies for parasites include eating foods that will help remove them from the body, thus cleansing the intestines. This includes special foods and chemicals.

It is recommended to switch to a vegetarian diet that weakens the body of parasites. However, keep in mind that fasting is prohibited, as this will cause unpleasant dyspeptic disorders. Cleansing the human body should not be hungry, otherwise severe complications may arise.
General recommendations
Treating a person from a parasite involves the intake of substances. It must destroy the parasite itself and the toxins it produces. However, the use of traditional medicine has some side effects, and there is a possibility that these medicines are not effective and new medicines should be used.
Side effects during treatment include:
- the appearance of weakness throughout the body;
- headaches and muscle aches;
- dizziness.
The appearance of symptoms indicates that the removal of parasites from the body is running successfully. You should not use painkillers, as they reduce the effectiveness of folk remedies and hinder treatment.
To improve overall well-being, you should adhere to a proper diet and consume as much fresh fruits and vegetables as possible. Drinking water is needed in large quantities, as it is necessary to remove toxins from the human body.
In addition to certain foods, enemas can be used to get rid of parasites. An antiparasitic enema can kill worms and cleanse the intestines at the same time. These include garlic and oil.
With a weak body, laxatives can also be used for regular stools, which will help get rid of parasites.

However, if there is no weakening, then its use is not necessary. Cleansing against parasites is done by the body itself.
The important thing during treatment is to exclude contact with others, as they may be infected through contact or through water or food. Therefore, it is a good idea to get individual towels and cutlery for the patient. Underwear and bedding should be washed separately and then heated with an iron. Periodic ventilation is also required.
Parasite Removal Strategies:
- destruction of parasites;
- removal of dead waste and waste products, intestinal cleansing;
- restoration of the intestinal microflora, which has been severely affected by parasites;
- increased immunity.
Bees use propolis to close cracks in the hive. People know that it has bactericidal and disinfectant properties. When propolis is ingested in the human body, special proteins are formed that activate the production of antibodies against parasites. Propolis treatment is unusual because it has no contraindications and side effects. Cleansing the body of worms with propolis is one of the best remedies.
Treatment with herbs and spices
This treatment is called herbal medicine. Cleansing the body of worms is based on the fact that the ingredients of bitter and bittersweet herbs have antiparasitic effects.
Sage brush
For treatment against parasites, dried worm flowers are used. They are ground and eaten with sugar or honey. It is used 2 hours before meals three times a day. Admission period is only 2 days. Then laxatives should be taken. Wormwood has side effects, so overdose can cause vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, lung and cardiovascular problems.
Dried flowers are used. One teaspoon of flowers is filled with 500 ml of boiling water. Taken in one tablespoon three times a day. In addition to antiparasitic properties, tansy has beneficial substances. Keep in mind that the use of tansy infusions during pregnancy is contraindicated.

Ginger is known to everyone as a spice. In addition, beneficial substances improve digestion, are used for viruses and colds, headaches. To get rid of parasites from the body, ginger root must be included in salads. Don’t overdo it because the taste of the salad can change a lot.
For treatment, dried ground ginger is also used, which is added to milk or water. It is used in the morning for a week.
Plants that have antiparasitic effects include black baking cloves, coriander, nettle. The infusion of dandelion or pine cones has a very good effect.
Garlic and onions
Cleansing the body with these products is as effective as possible. Using it in its pure form, you can prevent the appearance of parasites in the body and get rid of existing ones. If its use is not very pleasant, then you can make a salad, add a large amount of ordinary food.
Pumpkin seeds
It should be noted that adults are not encouraged to consume more than 500 grams of pumpkin seeds per day. Pumpkin seed oil has a very good effect. In addition to cleansing the human body of parasites, it can improve the general condition, enhance regrowth and recovery. Pumpkin seed oil is applied one tablespoon half an hour before each meal.
Cognac-castor mixture
The advantage of this method is that there are practically no side effects. Since cognac is one of the components, its use is prohibited for children, pregnant women and alcoholics. After mixing 50 grams of cognac and oil, the mixture is drunk in the morning before meals.

If a single use is not effective, use should be repeated until the body is completely clean. The mechanism is that alcohol paralyzes the parasites, and the oil acts as a laxative and accelerates the exit of the worms from the body. Cleaning against parasites with this method is approved even by experts.
By using citrus fruits for treatment, you can get good results. Their skin has an alkaline environment, which reduces the vital activity of the parasite. A side effect of product use is a severe allergic reaction. To cleanse the body of parasites, dry or fresh skin is eaten in the morning one hour before meals. Wash the fruit until clean before use. You can also use concentrated juice, seed powder. All these products have excellent antiparasitic properties.
Microclastic folk remedies not only have antiparasitic effect, but also restore the intestinal microflora, fight malignant tumors in the large intestine. After the introduction of the enema, you can not go to the toilet for a while. This is necessary to neutralize the parasites and their toxins. Unpleasant sensations such as itching, burning may occur. They will disappear over time.
Alternative treatments recommend using garlic enemas, flaxseed oil, and tea tree oil to cleanse the human body. Enemas are performed before bed, and if treatment is not effective, it is recommended to replace it.
Treatment with folk remedies against parasites is an effective method that has been tested over time. You can cleanse your body with the food we use every day to cook. These foods include garlic, onions, citrus fruits, and ginger. The most effective medicine that can cleanse the body is pumpkin, especially its seeds and oils.